Social Distancing In Court

The current times of social distancing that we are seeing has created a new way of operating for everyone. There are a lot of questions floating around and new processes for doing things. Some courthouses remain closed, some require masks, and some do video court. It’s not the easiest way to do things, but we are making it work right?

Using Email More

One of the best ways so far to stay in contact has been through email. Our bail bond office has an online application you can use to apply for bail. Electronic signatures are widely accepted in the legal world. In some cases, scanning and emailing PDF forms also has been an alternative way of getting things done. Once you have submitted the form, an agent will be in contact with you about payment options and continuing the process.

What About Fax?

While not everyone uses this technology anymore, most court systems do. Not everyone is comfortable submitting information over the internet, so this may be a route you want to take. It is an easy process that doesn’t require a lot of work scanning items. It is not fast as the internet is, but still an effective way to get things done.

Phone and Video

A lot of things are still able to be done over the phone. Not every one is technologically inclined. We will work with you over the phone to gather the necessary information to post a bond and can even do payment.
Certain courthouses are using video conferences for court dates as well. You may be able to see the judge on your case from your attorneys office.

Can I Still Pay With Cash?

In these times a lot of social distancing people are really liking the curbside option. If you need to pay with cash you can call ahead and see if that is an option. If you have any other questions about the current process of posting bail in the days of social distancing, contact Big Mikes Bail Bonds today!
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