Cash Only Bail Bonds?
Cash only bail bonds differ from normal bail bonds, also called surety bonds. If the judge orders a cash only bond, the defendant must pay the entire amount of the bond in cash or secured card to the court. Most courts only accept the exact amount of the bond, and if you pay with cash you may not receive change back. In the case of a surety bond, a bondsman can post bail for you for a fee.
Why Do Courts Order Cash Only Bonds?
Courts take a lot of things into consideration when setting bail amounts. If the defendant is considered a flight risk, or has failed to pay fines in the past, a cash bail bond is ordered. This typically provides more security that the defendant will return for court.
Who Can Post It?
Courts will allow almost anyone to post a cash bond. The defendant themselves, a family member, or a third party. Some bail bondsmen may deal in cash only bonds, but the majority do not. Judges may also allow the money paid to go towards any unpaid fines or court costs. However, a failure to appear will cause all the money to be forfeited.
After It Is Posted
After posting a cash only bond, it is like a surety bond. Meaning you still will have a court date and have to show up. Again, if you fail to appear not only will you lose all the money you paid, but a new warrant will be issued. In order to avoid this, it is important that you comply with all the terms and conditions set by the court when you are released.
Contact An Affordable Wichita Bail Bonds Company
Big Mike’s Bail Bonds can help you understand the bail bond process and answer all of your questions. Call our office today to get more information.